The 707 Calming pellets worked almost immediately on my nervous quarter horse gelding. He didn't worry about things anymore and was much calmer to ride. Highly recommend.

LuAnn O.

Verified buyer

Pellets calmantes



Formula 707 Calming contains COMPLETE support for the three processes that lead to a balanced central nervous system: serotonin, relaxation and energy metabolism.

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90-Day Satisfaction Guarantee

Formulated With Veterinarians

Made In Colorado


Formula 707 Calming contiene un apoyo COMPLETO para los tres procesos que conducen a un sistema nervioso central equilibrado: serotonina, relajación y metabolismo energético. Un caballo nervioso, inquieto y que se distrae fácilmente es difícil de entrenar, difícil de trabajar y peligroso para estar cerca. Si bien algunos caballos nacen nerviosos, otros pueden sufrir estrés inducido por el medio ambiente. Entre los síntomas de un nivel bajo de magnesio se encuentran el nerviosismo, los temblores musculares, un pelaje sin brillo y la intolerancia al trabajo o al ejercicio. La deficiencia de tiamina puede expresarse en nerviosismo, irritabilidad, excitabilidad, niveles elevados de lactato y piruvato en sangre y calambres musculares. Ambos son más probables en caballos con una dieta alta en carbohidratos (es decir, alta en cereales). Formula 707 Calming utiliza óxido de magnesio de primera calidad para maximizar la biodisponibilidad y lo combina con dos de los agentes más conocidos por tener un efecto calmante en los caballos, la tiamina y el L-triptófano.

Return Policy:

We offer a 90-day 100% satisfaction guarantee on all of our products. This satisfaction guarantee extends to products purchased on our website directly. Products that are purchased from other sellers (e.g. Amazon, Chewy, brick & mortar) are subject to the return policies of their respective seller. Unopened products may be exchanged or returned (for order credit or full refund). Customer is responsible for return shipping. We allow exchanges and returns on open products at our discretion. The guarantee is also limited to your most recent purchase of a specific product (e.g. if you've been using a product for 5 months with a purchase every month, we will only refund your most recent purchase, even if purchase #3 and #4 are within the 90 days).

For more information on returning an item, please contact our customer service department at 800-525-8601. Thank you.

We ship within 2 business days of receiving an order, usually the next business day.

In the event of a return, please notify us that you are returning the product. We will always accept new, un-opened products within 90 days of the purchase date. Returning a product with no notification will result in no refund. For open or used product, we have a 90-day satisfaction guarantee. Please reach out to us and we will make things right!

Once initiating the return, please send the product to us within 30 days. Once the return is received, you can expect the funds to be received back on your credit card within a week. Customer is responsible for return shipping.

The 707 Calming pellets worked almost immediately on my nervous quarter horse gelding. He didn't worry about things anymore and was much calmer to ride. Highly recommend.

LuAnn O.

Verified buyer

  • Instrucciones

  • Datos del producto

Administrar a los caballos adultos 1 cucharada (2 oz) una vez al día. Para los paquetes Calming Fresh, administrar a los caballos adultos 1 paquete (2 oz) al día.

Active Ingredients Table
Active Ingredients per Scoop (2 oz.) Amount
Magnesium 7500 mg.
Thiamine 2000 mg.
L-Tryptophan 125 mg.
Rice Bran
Wheat Midds
Natural and Artificial Flavors

El suplemento calmante más completo

Tome el control del comportamiento de su caballo con nuestros pellets aptos para exhibiciones. Ya sea que tenga una yegua con aspecto de yegua o un caballo con demasiados nervios, este suplemento de gran éxito en ventas es una forma integral de ayudar a eliminar ese "estado de ánimo" incontrolable.

Estos gránulos calmantes, diseñados específicamente para abordar problemas de comportamiento, promueven una actitud tranquila y concentrada. Elaborados con ingredientes de primera calidad, favorecen el bienestar mental sin comprometer el rendimiento. Perfectos para competiciones o paseos diarios, los gránulos calmantes Formula 707 garantizan una experiencia más agradable y manejable con su compañero equino.

Preparando a su caballo para el éxito

Los gránulos calmantes Formula 707 para caballos contienen magnesio, L-triptófano y tiamina, que favorecen la calma y la relajación. El magnesio desempeña un papel en el funcionamiento de los nervios y los músculos. El L-triptófano es un aminoácido que participa en la producción de serotonina, que influye en el estado de ánimo. La tiamina (vitamina B1) contribuye al funcionamiento normal del sistema nervioso.

¿Qué hace que Fórmula 707 Calming sea mejor que otras soluciones para caballos ansiosos?

1. Enfoque de triple acción

Otros suplementos se centran en un ingrediente para tratar el nerviosismo del caballo. Formula 707 Calming proporciona cantidades sustanciales de tres ingredientes que actúan en sinergia para promover la relajación.

2. No es un sedante

Nuestros pellets le permiten continuar con el entrenamiento de manera normal, manteniendo a su caballo alerta y con una energía manejable. Los efectos calmantes ayudan a aliviar la tensión.

3. Mostrar seguridad

Puede seguir dándole a su caballo los gránulos calmantes Formula 707 antes y durante la competición. Nuestros clientes compiten en una variedad de disciplinas y federaciones, y puede estar seguro de que, desde el ring de cazadores hasta la pista de carreras, los gránulos calmantes no le harán daño.

4. Hecho en casa

Nuestros pellets se producen en nuestras propias instalaciones y lo hemos hecho durante décadas. Podemos supervisar cada parte del proceso de fabricación para garantizar que su caballo reciba pellets de la más alta calidad. Lo mejor de todo es que, mientras otras empresas gastan dinero extra en contratar a alguien que fabrique para ellas, nosotros podemos trasladarle esos ahorros a usted.

Amado por miles de caballos y sus dueños.

Formula 707 es la opción de confianza de miles de propietarios de caballos en todo el mundo. Nuestra comunidad, que abarca diversas disciplinas y todas las edades, valora la conexión especial que tienen los caballos y los humanos. Priorizamos la salud y la felicidad de su caballo al formular nuestros suplementos en colaboración con veterinarios experimentados. Nuestros productos, elaborados en nuestras instalaciones exclusivas para equinos, se someten a pruebas de pureza y potencia. Con Formula 707, usted elige calidad comprobada para su compañero equino.

Tiamina (B1)

La suplementación con tiamina ayuda específicamente con el nerviosismo, especialmente en caballos con alta energía.


Utilizamos óxido de magnesio de primera calidad, que maximiza la biodisponibilidad y la eficacia. Muchos caballos tienen deficiencia de magnesio, con síntomas comunes como temblores musculares, pelaje sin brillo e intolerancia al trabajo o al ejercicio.


Después de absorber L-Triptófano, el cuerpo convierte una parte en serotonina, que puede ayudar a regular el estado de ánimo de un caballo.

Certificado por el Consejo Nacional de Suplementos para Animales

Identifique el Sello de Calidad en los productos, lo que indica nuestro compromiso con rigurosas auditorías NASC, garantizando altos estándares y abastecimiento responsable.

Este producto es seguro para exhibiciones

Este producto no contiene ningún ingrediente que esté catalogado como prohibido y, además, ha sido utilizado por clientes de las principales federaciones sin problemas. (Si desea volver a comprobarlo, comuníquese con su federación correspondiente).

Apoyo real

¿Necesita ayuda con su pedido o tiene preguntas generales? Nuestro equipo de atención al cliente en vivo, con sede en Colorado, está aquí para responder cualquier pregunta que pueda tener. Simplemente envíenos un correo electrónico a o llámenos al 970-284-5575 (lunes a viernes, de 8 a. m. a 5 p. m., hora estándar de las Montañas Rocosas).

Real reviews from real customers. We don't hide reviews - negative or positive.

Customer Reviews

Based on 487 reviews
Nadine Ewing
Finally a product that works

I have tried several calming products and this is the only one that worked for my gelding, this specific horse at least :) He is a lot calmer, seems to have more inner peace and his anxiety is reduced dramatically. He is able to deal with stressful situations like a pro now and feels really safe to ride on while we're doing endurance racing in unfamiliar places. I recommend this product highly to all of my friends :)

Helped my nervous mare…

I had to move my mare from her from her pasture mate… she had been pacing for weeks.. after about a month on the calming pellets she seems to have settled..

Mary Pish
Works great!

I’ve been using this for my spunky gaited horses and works great. Helps to keep them focused.

Alison Evans
Every day use

I live in South Florida and I started using the supplement a couple years ago to support my horse with the hurricane season. It worked so well I now have both my horses on it every day. It gives them a calm and focused demeanor every day, whether training showing or just trail riding.

Noel Santana
Great taste not much noticed

As the titles states, my horses alive to eat it but not much noticed. All 3 have been on it for 3 months. I’ve also doubled the amount within the last 3 weeks with same results…. None.

Holly S

I put my two young geldings on the calming pellets and noticed within the first week that they both were more focused and overall calmer. Definitely will continue to use this product.

Jennifer Newman

This stuff really works great!! Its so easy to feed and the horses love it.

Spicy mare, not so spicy!

My dressage mare is on the nervous and spicy side. She has been on the calming pellets and there has been a significant difference! She is much less anxious, and while still on the spicy side, she is MUCH better!


How long does Formula 707 Calming take to work? 

It takes 72 hours to be fully absorbed in the system, a couple weeks to begin to overcome some of the mental aspects of their anxiety, and 72 hours to leave the system.  

Can I use a loading dose?

Every horse is different, but a loading dose won’t necessarily “expedite” the process of seeing effects. However, for increased efficacy during potentially stressful events, it could be useful to double dose.  

Is Formula 707 Calming safe for insulin resistant/metabolic horses?

The binder we use is rice bran that has a 29% nonstructural carb level with a 33% fiber level. No other sugars added to the formula. Basically, feeding a daily serving of Calming is equivalent to feeding your horse 1 oz. of rice bran. Hope that helps! 

My horse is picky. How do I get him to eat Formula 707 Calming?

You can try giving small quantities in his grain and increasing over time until he's acclimated to the smell and taste. You can also try a binder such as apple sauce or molasses to hide it! 

Where is Formula 707 Calming made?

Calming is made in our own facility in Colorado - where we voluntarily adhere to the strict good manufacturing practices set forth by the National Animal Supplement Council.

Will Formula 707 Calming stop cribbing?

It depends on the reason for the cribbing. If it’s a behavior issue out of boredom, that cannot be remedied with a supplement. If it is due to stomach pain, we would suggest our ULZERless pellets. They help to create a stronger mucus barrier and low the acid production.  

Is Formula 707 Calming a drug?

Calming is not a drug; it uses a triple-action approach with Magnesium, Thiamine, and L-Tryptophan—each being a mineral, vitamin, and amino acid, respectively—to help relax muscles and soothe the mind. This supplement is designed to support training for horses that tend to be a bit more high-strung. While it complements training, it does not replace it. 

Is Formula 707 Calming truly show safe?

Our research has shown that Tryptophan, as well as the other two natural active ingredients, are not prohibited in the AQHA, USEF, FEI, etc. We have many customers that actively use the product and have had their horses tested with no positive result. If you are concerned, please reach out to your association. 

Can I give two scoops of Formula 707 Calming?

Most horses can tolerate two scoops per day, and some horses have added efficacy with double the normal serving. Too much magnesium can cause loose stool, so make sure you are not supplementing large amounts of magnesium in addition to feeding Calming before trying this.

I'm a trainer and I have a big program I want to put on Formula 707 Calming. Are there bulk discounts?

If you're a trainer (or other industry professional), please fill out our Professional's Application linked at the top of our website to apply.

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Un nombre en el que se ha confiado durante más de 75 años

Cuando un hombre llamado John Ewing comenzó a producir un suplemento equino llamado "Fórmula 707" a mediados del siglo XX, no se tenía mucho en cuenta los beneficios de los suplementos alimenticios para los caballos.

Hoy, continuamos su legado con una línea completa de productos innovadores para apoyar a cada caballo.