A must have to keep my horses from that dreaded colicing.

Sandra A.

Verified buyer

Pellets de psyllium



Formula 707 Psyllium pellets can help eliminate sand and dirt from the digestive system.

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90-Day Satisfaction Guarantee

Formulated With Veterinarians

Made In Colorado


Los gránulos de psyllium de Formula 707 pueden ayudar a eliminar la arena y la suciedad del sistema digestivo. El pastoreo en pasturas cortas puede hacer que los caballos ingieran grandes cantidades de arena, lo que a veces provoca cólicos por arena. Las cáscaras de las semillas de psyllium se expanden y se vuelven pegajosas en el sistema digestivo, lo que ayuda a eliminar la arena y la suciedad acumuladas en el ciego y el colon. Para el mantenimiento mensual, administre a los caballos 2 oz. dos veces al día durante tres días consecutivos cada mes para promover una digestión saludable.

Return Policy:

We offer a 90-day 100% satisfaction guarantee on all of our products. This satisfaction guarantee extends to products purchased on our website directly. Products that are purchased from other sellers (e.g. Amazon, Chewy, brick & mortar) are subject to the return policies of their respective seller. Unopened products may be exchanged or returned (for order credit or full refund). Customer is responsible for return shipping. We allow exchanges and returns on open products at our discretion. The guarantee is also limited to your most recent purchase of a specific product (e.g. if you've been using a product for 5 months with a purchase every month, we will only refund your most recent purchase, even if purchase #3 and #4 are within the 90 days).

For more information on returning an item, please contact our customer service department at 800-525-8601. Thank you.

We ship within 2 business days of receiving an order, usually the next business day.

In the event of a return, please notify us that you are returning the product. We will always accept new, un-opened products within 90 days of the purchase date. Returning a product with no notification will result in no refund. For open or used product, we have a 90-day satisfaction guarantee. Please reach out to us and we will make things right!

Once initiating the return, please send the product to us within 30 days. Once the return is received, you can expect the funds to be received back on your credit card within a week. Customer is responsible for return shipping.

A must have to keep my horses from that dreaded colicing.

Sandra A.

Verified buyer

Loved by thousands of horses and their people.

Formula 707 is the trusted choice of thousands of horse owners globally. From various disciplines and all ages, our community values the special connection that horses and humans have. We prioritize the health and happiness of your horse by formulating our supplements in collaboration with experienced veterinarians. Produced in our equine-exclusive facility, our products are tested for purity and potency. With Formula 707, you're choosing proven quality for your equine partner.

Certified by the National Animal Supplement Council

Spot the Quality Seal on products, indicating our commitment to rigorous NASC audits, ensuring high standards and responsible sourcing.

This Product is Show-Safe

This product contains no ingredients that are listed as prohibited, and additionally has been used by customers in major federations without issue. (If you'd like to double check, please reach out to your respective federation!)

Real Support

Want help with your order, or have general questions? Our live, Colorado-based Customer Support team is here to answer any questions you may have. Simply email us at info@formula707.com or call at 970-284-5575 (M-F, 8am-5pm MST). 

Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
Patrick Swan

We have little forage and therefore we feel the psyllium is good for the gut since eating more from ground.


My horse will eat this unlike other brands. I live in a sandy area. My vet recommended this.

Patrick Swan

The mare never really had a dietary or digestive issue. She eats more from the ground now and we are in very dry conditions so much less grass. Feed alfalfa hay along with Purina Equine Senior. As she ages, we thought it couldn't hurt.

Jacqueline Rackley

Horses love it and are all of it! Love the apple flavor!

Sandra Avery

A must have to keep my horses from that dreaded colicing.


Love the convenience. And horses love the flavor.


Good quality product.


I have no problem with my horses eating this. Even the REALLY picky ones.

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